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IREC Bruxelles Woluwe

Rapport d'activité 2021

La version PDF du Rapport d’Activité IREC 2021 est maintenant disponible pour le téléchargement.
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9th edition of the IREC PhD day

  Dear fellow PhD students,   The organizing committee is pleased to announce the   9th edition of the IREC PhD day  on September 23th, 2022 in the Maisin auditorium    It’s the first time I participate, so what is this event for?  In brief,...
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A 4-years PhD student Position is available within the...

The exercise physiology laboratory is looking for a PhD student to study the role of myosteatosis in the evolution of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) in mice and in human. More specifically, the PhD student will explore the role of exosomes and inflammatory processes...
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Job Offer : A 4-year PhD fellowship is available within...

A 4-year PhD fellowship is available the laboratory of Hepato – gastroenterology (GAEN/ IREC/UCLouvain) (published on May 31th 2022) The laboratory of hepato-gastroenterology is offering a 4 year-PhD fellowship to study the skeletal-muscle to liver axis in driving metabolic dysfunction...
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Job Offer : technicien·ne de laboratoire au laboratoire...

Poste de technicien de laboratoire au laboratoire d’hépato-gastro-entérologie / institut de recherche expérimentale et clinique (SSS/IREEC/GAEN) à Woluwé. Poste de technicien de laboratoire temps plein pour 1 an puis possibilité de passage à durée indéterminée.. Entrée en fonction : à partir...
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