
Detailed programme by subject

Mandatory Common subjects
Mandatory Legal matters
FR q1  60h  7 credits      
Charles-Hubert Born
, Marc Van Overstraeten

FR q2  60h  7 credits      
Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck

Mandatory LDROI1003  Foundations of Law
FR q2  60h+12h  6 credits      
Wim Decock

Mandatory LDROI1004  Legal History
FR q2  60h+12h  6 credits      
Wim Decock
, Alain Wijffels (compensates Wim Decock)

Mandatory LDROI1005  Legal Methodology
FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Geoffrey Willems

Mandatory LDROI1222  Constitutional Law
FR q2  90h+14h  8 credits      
Céline Romainville
, Marc Verdussen

Mandatory LDROI1223  Law of Obligations
FR q1  90h+14h  8 credits      
Bernard Dubuisson
, Patrick Wéry

Mandatory LDROI1224  Criminal Law
FR q1  45h+10h  5 credits      
Jean-Marc Hausman
, Thierry Moreau

Mandatory LDROI1225  Criminal Procedure
FR q2  45h+10h  4 credits      
Marie-Aude Beernaert

Mandatory LDROI1226  European Union law
FR q2  45h+10h  5 credits      
Frédéric Dopagne (compensates Pieter-Augustijn Van Malleghem)
, Pieter-Augustijn Van Malleghem

FR q1  60h+12h  5 credits      
Jehanne Sosson
, Geoffrey Willems

Mandatory LDROI1302  Social Law
FR q2  45h+10h  5 credits      
Filip Dorssemont
, Auriane Lamine

Mandatory LDROI1303  Business Law
FR q2  60h+12h  5 credits      
Henri Culot
, Yves De Cordt

Mandatory LDROI1304  Contract Law  
FR q2  30h+8h  3 credits      
Patrick Wéry

Mandatory LDROI1305  Administrative Law  
FR q2  60h+12h  5 credits      
David Renders

FR q1  45h+10h  5 credits      
Nicolas Bernard (compensates Isabelle Durant)
, Vincent Cassiers (compensates Isabelle Durant)

Mandatory LDROI1307  Procedure law
FR q1  60h+12h  5 credits      
Jean-François Van Drooghenbroeck

FR q1  30h  3 credits      
Olivier De Schutter

FR q1  30h  3 credits      
Maxime Lambrecht (compensates Christophe Lazaro)

EN q2  30h  3 credits      
Caroline Laske (compensates Wim Decock)

Mandatory Human sciences (24 credits)
FR q1  60h+12h  6 credits      
Mark Hunyadi

Mandatory LDROI1007  Political Economy
FR q1  60h+12h  6 credits      
Caroline Cleppert
, Françoise Delmez
, Philippe Ledent

FR q2  60h+12h  6 credits      
Vincent Dujardin
, Laurence Van Ypersele

FR q2  45h  3 credits      
Pierre Bouchat
, Frédéric Nils

FR q1  45h  3 credits      
Laura Merla
, Benoît Rihoux

Mandatory Religious studies (2 credits)
The student choose one of the possibilities below:
FR q2  15h  2 credits      
Sébastien Dehorter

FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Paulo Jorge Dos Santos Rodrigues

FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Justine Manuel

Mandatory Language (14 credits)
Mandatory Language units (8 credits)
Mandatory Dutch units - language 1 (4 credits)
The student will follow dutch as the first language (one of the three levels : elementary, intermediate or advanced based on a level test)
NL q1+q2  60h  4 credits      
Sarah Barroo (coord.)
, Valérie Dachy
, Simon Labate

NL q1+q2  30h  4 credits      
Isabelle Demeulenaere (coord.)
, Simon Labate
, Lutgarde Schrijvers
, Nele Sterkendries

NL q1+q2  30h  4 credits      
Isabelle Demeulenaere (coord.)
, Nele Sterkendries

Mandatory English units -language 2 (4 credits)
The student will follow english as a second language (one of the two levels: intermediate or advanced based on a level test)
Optional LANGL1821  English for Lawyers
EN q1+q2  30h  4 credits      
Jean-Luc Delghust
, Maïté Dupont (coord.)
, Adrien Kefer (compensates Sandrine Mulkers)
, Philippe Neyt
, Marine Volpe

EN q1+q2  30h  4 credits      
Carlo Lefevre
, Nevin Serbest (coord.)

Mandatory Legal terminology (6 credits)
The student must follow legal terminology in both languages.
Mandatory LDROI1282  Legal English
EN q1  30h  3 credits      
Caroline Laske

Mandatory Ducth terminology
Teaching unit imposed by the faculty depending the student's level or knowledge of Dutch.
Optional LDROI1281  Legal Dutch
NL q2  30h  3 credits      
Sébastien De Rey

FR q2  30h  3 credits      
Sébastien De Rey

Mandatory Tutorials
FR q1+q2  0h+28h  4 credits      
Mandatory LDROI1200  Tutorial in Law I
FR q1+q2  0h+12h  3 credits      
Mandatory LDROI1300  Tutorial in Law II
FR q1+q2  0h+12h  3 credits      
Mandatory Minor or additional module (30 credits)     (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)
The student chooses a minor from the list of accessible minors below. She/He distributes the 30 credits of the minor between his/her annual program 2 and the annual program 3 of his bachelor's degree, so that his/her annual course program (major + minor) includes 60 credits for each academic year.