
Detailed programme

Module 1 – Introduction/basics principles of Toxicology :
Completed in 2019
This course is recognized by EUROTOX as ERT course for Core topic B1 : Principles of Toxicology, corresponding to 40 teaching hours with the topic see :

  • Dose/exposure
  • Tools in toxicology
    • In vitro experimental toxicology
    • In vivo experimental toxicology
    • Human toxicology
    • Environmental toxicology
  • Target organs/systems of toxicity through practical exercises

Module 3 – Regulatory Toxicology of Chemicals:
Completed in 2019

  • Introduction
  • Hazard identification and characterization of the dose-response
  • Hazard identification and communication
  • Exposure assessment
  • Risk Management: main principles and hierarchy of risk management measures
  • Examples of frameworks
  • Regulatory Toxicology and society

Module 4 – In vitro toxicology (in collaboration with )
25-30 October 2020
This course is recognized by EUROTOX as ERT course for Core topic B19 : In Vitro Testing Methods, corresponding to 22 teaching hours with the topic see :

  • European legislative framework and international guidelines for in vitro toxicity testing of chemicals.
  • Use and validation of 3R-alternative methods in Europe.
  • In vitro methods for assessing cytotoxicity, skin sensitization, skin/eye irritation/corrosion, immunotoxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and developmental toxicity.
  • Development and application of cell lines, organ-specific models, tridimensional and reconstructed models, bioreactors and stem cell models in in vitro toxicology.
  • Use of “omics”-based methods in in vitro toxicology.
  • Good in vitro method practices/good cell culture practice.
  • In vitro kinetics and in vitro-in vivo extrapolation.
  • In vitro aspects of pathway-based toxicology.
  • Non-animal testing technologies and strategies used for chemical hazard and
  • risk assessment in Europe.
  • Hands-on training on skin and eye irritation testing in vitro.