
Rectoral Council

The Rectoral Council meets weekly for the collegial examination of issues relating to the academic and scientific management of the University, its development strategy, its presence in society and any other matter relating to the smooth running of the University.


The Rector's Council is chaired by the Rector. It is also composed of the general administrator, the vice-rectors and the prorectors in charge of missions. They assist the Rector in the performance of his duties. The Rector delegates to them, under his responsibility, the attributions or missions that he deems appropriate to entrust to them.

The individual responsibilities delegated by the Rector to the members of the Rector's Council shall be the subject of a written communication from the Rector to the Board of Directors and the Academic Council, which shall, where appropriate, approve the said delegations.


The Rector's Council meets regularly during the academic year for the collegial examination of issues relating to the academic and scientific management of the University, its development strategy, its presence in society and any other issue relating to the smooth running of the University.

He is responsible for the day-to-day management of the University, subject to the powers conferred on the Managing Director by Article 19 of the Organic Regulations.


The Rector's Council prepares the dossiers for the Academic Council.

It also prepares for the Board of Directors :

  • proposals for the appointment of members of the academic staff ;
  • proposals for the promotion of staff members;
  • proposals for the annual budget;
  • proposals for the allocation of academic posts;
  • any strategic proposal falling within the competence of the Board of Directors.

[Excerpt adapted from the Organic Regulations of the University, Article 18]