
Center for Operations Research and Econometrics

Welcome at CORE !

The Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) is an interdisciplinary research center of UCLouvain.

In 2010, CORE became one of the "poles" of LIDAM, a UCL Louvain research institute association researchers from four different research entities: CORE, IRES, ISBA and LFIN.

CORE follows three objectives. The first one is the development of scientific research in the fields of economics, econometrics, operations research and quantitative and economic geography. The second objective is the training of young researchers at the doctoral and postdoctoral stages of their career. The third objective is the promotion of local and international scientific exchanges and collaborations.

Upcoming Events @ CORE


Workshop on Electricity Markets Design

Join Us for an Academic Workshop on Electricity Market Design As the energy transition continues, the electricity system will look fundamentally different in the years to come. With increasing...

PhD Workshop on Energy Systems

Join Us for an Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop on Energy Systems Date: January 28, 2025 Location: Campus Saint Louis, Brussels, Belgium The Center for Operations Research and...

What's new @ CORE ?

LIDAM in the Media

Le grand jeu de la ville

François Maniquet (CORE).   Le grand jeu de la ville Le Vif - 21/11/2024 (Article print)     Photo @ Canva
LIDAM in the Media

Rendre publics les résultats scolaires : « C’est...

Jean Hindriks  (CORE). La ministre flamande de l’Enseignement, Zuhal Demir (N-VA), souhaite que les résultats des épreuves certificatives soient connus de tous les parents. La voie...
LIDAM in the Media

Dette : le double paradoxe belge

Jean Hindriks  (CORE). Avec une dette publique de 105 % du PIB, nous sommes après la Grèce (160 %), l'Italie (135 %) et la France (110 %), le pays le plus endetté...