
LIDAM Events

The events section provides information about seminars and about conferences and workshops.

On the seminar page, you will find a brief description of the seminars organized by the various entities of LIDAM.

The conference and workshop page gathers scientific events organized by LIDAM members.

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Upcoming LIDAM Events


CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Hassan Nosratabadi

  Hassan Nosratabadi (ULB. ECARES) On the Welfare (Ir)Relevance of Two-Stage Models This paper investigates the welfare relevance of two-stage models of choice. That is, we...

YRD : Young Researchers Day | September 20, 2024

  Program: 09:00 – 09:05 : Opening Abstracts for YRD September 20, 2024: 09:05 - 09:25 : Anas Mourahib Title: Statistics of Extremes Abstract: On September 7, 2024, a...

CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Leïla Van Keirsbilck 

  Leïla Van Keirsbilck (LIDAM. CORE) The transmission of shocks across sectors and the dynamics of sectoral prices This paper explores the dynamics of U.S. sectoral producer...

UCLouvain Economic Seminar - Michael McMahon

  Michael McMahon (University of Oxford) will give a presentation on Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium   Abstract: We study how monetary policy affects...

CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Mathieu Van Vyve

  Mathieu Van Vyve (LIDAM. CORE) Identifying when thresholds from the Paris Agreement are breached: the minmax average, a novel smoothing approach Identifying when a given...

CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Laureen de Barsy

  Laureen de Barsy (Université de Liège) The Role of Talent Acquisition in Technology Leadership and Diversification Abstract : ...    

Chaire International Francqui Professor - From Social...

  Chaire International Francqui Professor From Social Analysis to Political Influence: Reinventing Statistical Modeling   Ernesto San Martin  ...