
Center for Operations Research and Econometrics

Welcome at CORE !

The Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) is an interdisciplinary research center of UCLouvain.

In 2010, CORE became one of the "poles" of LIDAM, a UCL Louvain research institute association researchers from four different research entities: CORE, IRES, ISBA and LFIN.

CORE follows three objectives. The first one is the development of scientific research in the fields of economics, econometrics, operations research and quantitative and economic geography. The second objective is the training of young researchers at the doctoral and postdoctoral stages of their career. The third objective is the promotion of local and international scientific exchanges and collaborations.

Upcoming Events @ CORE


CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Leïla Van Keirsbilck 

  Leïla Van Keirsbilck (LIDAM. CORE) The transmission of shocks across sectors and the dynamics of sectoral prices This paper explores the dynamics of U.S. sectoral producer...

UCLouvain Economic Seminar - Michael McMahon

  Michael McMahon (University of Oxford) will give a presentation on Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium   Abstract: We study how monetary policy affects...

CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Mathieu Van Vyve

  Mathieu Van Vyve (LIDAM. CORE) Identifying when thresholds from the Paris Agreement are breached: the minmax average, a novel smoothing approach Identifying when a given...

What's new @ CORE ?

LIDAM in the Media

Le train, ça ne marche pas (bien)

Bart Jourquin (CORE). Il est sans doute le transport de masse le plus durable, confortable et rapide. Mais il est paralysé par ses lourdeurs, ses chantiers interminables (RER, gare de...
LIDAM in the Media

Transports en commun gratuits : pourquoi pas en Belgique ?

Bart Jourquin (CORE). A Dunkerque, en France, les bus sont gratuits depuis cinq ans et ce, pour tout le monde. Mais est-ce un système qui tient la route ? Est-il transposable...
LIDAM in the Media

Quels freins pour l’autopartage ?

Bart Jourquin (CORE). La voiture partagée a-t-elle trouvé sa voie vers la mobilité du futur ? Les chiffres montrent une réelle croissance qui traduit de nouvelles...