
In the Public Debate

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Since its creation in 1928, IRES has always promoted deep interactions between fundamental research, applied research and policy recommendations in economics. Our members have a solid experience in advising policy makers and international institutions on varied issues related to the labor market, the business cycle and macroeconomic policies, growth policies, development and migration policies or trade policies. Below are described the main interactions between our scholars and public or private decision-maker.

Service d'Analyse Économique (SAE)

The short-run forecast of the Service d’Analyse Économique whose objective is to provide public and private decision-makers with frequently updated forecast for Belgium.

Regards économiques

Regards économiques reflects the willingness of the economists from UCL to get more involved in the socio-economic debate, particularly in Belgium, and to contribute more directly to the understanding of socio-economic issues. Regards Economiques is intended to help and inform policy makers, business companies, nonprofit organizations, but also teachers and students.


In addition, IRES members also use their expertise to produce reports for external institutions.