
Scientific Events organized by IRES

This page provides information about forthcoming conferences and workshops organized by IRES members.

How to make sure you do not miss any event ?

There are several ways you can receive information about IRES event:

  • Subscribe to our RSS feed : /en/calendar/ires/rss
  • Import the ICS file in your electronic calendar : /en/calendar/ires/ics
  • Send an e-mail to the LIDAM communication team to be added to the LIDAM newsletter mailing list

If you join the LIDAM newsletter list, you will receive every Thursday an e-mail with all LIDAM events for the next week.

How to get some information about IRES pas events

If you would like some information about past conferences, please visit page https://www.uclouvain.be/en-374739.html

Upcoming Scientific Events

24 and 25 June  - UCLouvain FRESH Workshop