
Recent CORE DPs

LIDAM Discussion Papers CORE --Ìý2024


Jean ÌýHindriks, Alexandre Lamfalussy
Fédéralisme Belge en chiffres - Partie 3 : Les disparités et dynamiques d’emploi

Jean ÌýHindriks, Alexandre Lamfalussy
Fédéralisme Belge en chiffres - Partie 2 : Les emplois publics

Jean ÌýHindriks, Alexandre Lamfalussy
Fédéralisme Belge en chiffres - Partie 1 : La densité politique

Max Brès, Philipp Kircher, David Koll
Future versus Today’s Improvements: the Trade-off of Place-based Policies

Simon Fan, Yu Pang, Pierre Pestieau
The Intriguing Relation Between Parenting Styles and Eldercare

Jan Eeckhout, Philipp Kircher, Cristina Lafuente
Technological Change in Quantities

Jacques-François Thisse, Matthew A. Turner, Philip Ushchev
Foundations of Cities

Sergio Perelman, Pierre Pestieau
Comment gérer la fin de vie ? Les dispositions adoptées dans les pays industrialisés

Mathieu Lefebvre,Ìý PierreÌý Pestieau, Jérôme Schoenmaeckers
Grandchild care and eldercare. A quid pro quo arrangement

John J. Horton, Ramesh Johari, Philipp Kircher
Sorting through Cheap Talk: Theory and Evidence from a Labor Market

Luiz Brotherhood, Philipp Kircher, Cezar Santos, Michele Tertilt
Optimal Age-based Policies for Pandemics: An Economic Analysis of Covid-19 and Beyond

Pierre Dehez
Axiomatization of the core of positive games

Toshitaka Gokan, Sergei Kichko, Jesse A. Matheson, Jacques-François Thisse
How the rise of teleworking will reshape labor markets and cities

Garritt L. Page, Ernesto San Martin, David Torres Irribarra, Sébastien Van Bellegem
Temporally Dynamic, Cohort-Varying Value-Added Models

Pierre Dehez, Samuel Ferey
Leniency in antitrust investigations as a cooperative game

Jacques Cartuyvels, Gilles Bertrand, Anthony Papavasiliou
Interactions of Imbalance Settlement with Energy and Reserve Markets in Multi-Product European Balancing Markets

Pierre Dehez, Eustache Mêgnigbêto
Measuring the extent of synergies among innovation actors and their contributions: the Helix as a cooperative game

Sergio Perelman, Pierre Pestieau
How to Manage the End of Life. An international perspective

Mathieu Van Vyve
Identifying when thresholds from the Paris Agreement are breached : the minmax average, a novel smoothing approach

Jean Hindriks
Pensions soutenables

Simon Fan, Yu Pang, Pierre Pestieau
Does Democracy Inevitably Lead to Aggressive Redistribution? A Family Perspective

Pierre Dehez, Pier Mario Pacini
A note on the relation between the Shapley value and the core of 3-player transferable utility games
