
GRET - Do we still need inspiration? Symposium 2022


Do we still need inspiration? Scriptures and theology

International Symposium | Université Catholique de Louvain

May 16-17, 2022 | Auditoire More 53

| Presentation

The aim of this conference is to scrutinize afresh the traditional notion of inspiration and related concepts such as revelation, in the framework of a theological reflection that takes into account both the challenges of biblical criticism and contemporary hermeneutics. What does it mean to speak of an inspired text when the manuscript evidence reveals that it is fluid, and when historical criticism shows that it is self-contradictory or fictional? Is there “theology” in the Bible, in spite of its inner plurality? Should reception be regarded as an integral part of revelation and/or of the inspiration process? Such questions will be raised not only in relation to Christianity, but also in relation to Judaism and Islam.

| Guest Speakers

Benjamin Sommer (The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York)

Emmanuel Durand (Université de Fribourg)

Konrad Schmid (Universität Zürich)

Mark Elliott (Wycliffe College, Toronto)

| Louvain Speakers

Benoît Bourgine

Matthieu Richelle

Mehdi Azaiez

Régis Burnet

| Program

May 16 | Inspired writing

08:45 Introduction

Olivier Riaudel, President of RSCS

Mehdi Azaiez, representingGRET

Theology within textual plurality?

09:00 Biblical plurality: a lively conversation embodied in Scriptures /Emmanuel Durand

09:40 Questions | Pause

10:00 Theologies in the Hebrew Bible and Theology of the Hebrew Bible: Some Methodological Considerations and Case Studies /Konrad Schmid

10:40 Questions | Pause

11:00 A theology of the Hebrew Bible? An exegetical study/Camilla Recalcati, Martijn Beukenhorst, Pierre-Edouard Detal, Salvatore Manfroid

11:15 The respiration of the Scripture. Can there be inspiration without expiration? I/Alain Martial, Florence Draguet, Louis de Brouwer, Pedro Valinho Gomes

11:30 Discussion

How to deal with textual fluidity?

14:00 Textual Fluidity as a Challenge to Inspiration? A Biblical Scholar’s Point of View /Matthieu Richelle

14:40 Questions | Pause

15:00 Textual Fluidity as a Challenge to Inspiration? A Systematic Theologian’s Point of View /Benoît Bourgine

15:40 Questions | Pause

16:00 Response of Emmanuel Durand

16:15 Response of Konrad Schmid

16:30 Discussion

17:15 Closing of the works

May 17 | Inspired reading

08:45 Introduction

Active participation in revelation?

09:00 Revelation’s activating: the verbal as the expression of the personal impression /Mark Elliott

09:40 Questions | Pause

10:00 Reception as Revelation: A Participatory Theory of Inspiration in Jewish Tradition and Scripture /Benjamin Sommer

10:40 Questions | Pause

11:00 What are the limits to an inspired text? Exegetical remarks on (non-)inspired writing/Camilla Recalcati, Martijn Beukenhorst, Pierre-Edouard Detal, Salvatore Manfroid

11:15 The Respiration of the Scripture. Can there be inspiration without expiration? II/Alain Martial, Florence Draguet, Louis de Brouwer, Pedro Valinho Gomes

11:30 Discussion

Reception as revelation?

14:00 New Testament Inspiration and Apocryphal subtext: the Case of the Epistle of Jude /Régis Burnet

14:40 Questions | Pause

15:00 Qur’ān Inspiration and Biblical Subtexts: the Case of Q. 5:32 and Q. 19:16-33 /Mehdi Azaiez

15:40 Questions | Pause

16:00 Response of Mark Elliot

16:15 Response of Benjamin Sommer

16:30 Discussion

17:15 Closing of the Symposium

| Participation

Registration is compulsory. You may register .

Students: Free

Presence fee: 50 €

Streaming fee: 30 €

For further information on the Symposium, please contact pedro.valinho@uclouvain.be or louis.debrouwer@uclouvain.be

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Les activités du groupe se déroulent selon une alternance entre :

  • réunions de travail entre les membres (plusieurs demi-journées/an),
  • journées scientifiques thématiques avec des experts invités (plusieurs journées/an)
  • un colloque bisannuel