
Additional courses (preparatory module) to the master course

To access  this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.

What is a preparatory module?

It is a set of supplementary classes (courses, practical works, seminars, etc.) from the first cycle (see the non-exhaustive list below). The complementary module (maximum 60 credits) is tailor-made by the jury according to the student's educational background and added to the Master’s programme in order to acquire fundamental knowledge to then pursue the 120 credits of the Master’s programme.

Who is it for?
  • Students from a non-university higher education institution
  • Candidates admitted with additional training
  • Candidates admitted on the file with additional training

All the explanations are in (in French).

Mandatory Introduction to Ancient Studies (5 credits)
FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Aline Smeesters

Mandatory Sections
Two sections to be chosen in order to be at the level of two Master's sections, taking into account the prerequisites indicated in the description of these courses.
Optional Ancient Egypt
FR q1+q2  30h  5 credits      
Claude Obsomer

FR q1+q2  30h  5 credits      
Claude Obsomer

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Gaelle Chantrain
, Jan Tavernier

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Claude Obsomer
, Jan Tavernier

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Laura Parys
, Jan Tavernier

Optional Ancient Near East
FR q1+q2  30h+15h  5 credits      
Jan Tavernier

FR q1+q2  30h+15h  5 credits      
Jan Tavernier

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Gaelle Chantrain
, Jan Tavernier

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Claude Obsomer
, Jan Tavernier

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Laura Parys
, Jan Tavernier

Optional Greek and Byzantium
FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Optional LGLOR1321  Greek III A
FR q1+q2  45h+45h  5 credits      
Herman Seldeslachts

Optional LGLOR1322  Greek III B
FR q1+q2  45h+45h  5 credits      
Herman Seldeslachts

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Bernard Coulie

FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Lysiane Delanaye
, Louise Willocx

FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Optional Biblical Languages
Optional LRELI1631  Biblical Hebrew I A
FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Matthieu Richelle

Optional LRELI1632  Biblical Hebrew I B
FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Matthieu Richelle

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Geert Van Oyen

Optional LRELI1272  Patrology
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Jean-Marie Auwers

Optional LRELI1310  Judaism
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
David Lemler

Optional Medieval Near East
Optional LGLOR1644  Syriac I A
FR q1+q2  30h  5 credits      
Andrea Barbara Schmidt

Optional LGLOR1643  Syriac I B
FR q1+q2  30h  5 credits      
Andrea Barbara Schmidt

FR q1+q2  30h  5 credits      
Bernard Coulie

FR q1+q2  30h  5 credits      
Bernard Coulie

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits      
Andrea Barbara Schmidt

FR q1  22.5h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Bernard Coulie

Optional Islam and the Arab World
Optional LGLOR1663  Classical Arabic II B
FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Motia Zouihal (compensates Godefroid de Callatay)

Optional LGLOR1664  Classical Arabic II A
FR q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Godefroid de Callatay

FR q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
Manhal Makhoul (coord.)

FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Godefroid de Callatay

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Cécile Bonmariage

FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Louis-Léon Christians
, Baudouin Dupret

Optional India
Optional LGLOR1684  Sanskrit III A
FR q1  30h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Optional LGLOR1683  Sanskrit III B
FR q1  30h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Christophe Vielle

FR q2  30h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Leonid Kulikov

FR q2  30h  5 credits       > English-friendly  
Leonid Kulikov

Optional LRELI1347  Hinduism
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Philippe Cornu

Optional LRELI1348  Buddhism
FR q2  30h  5 credits