
Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Chaire Hoover

Subsistence vs. luxury emissions: the latest debate #1

Lukas Tank [University of Kiel] (2022). “Against the budget view in climate ethics”. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, online first, 1–14.  Commentator: Aida Martínez Suárez [University of Oviedo] • Duus-Otterström, Goran [University of Gothenburg &...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Sophocles Mavroeidis,...

Sophocles Mavroeidis (Oxford University) will give a presentation on  TBA Abstract: 
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Belgian Conference on Food Microbiology

We are very pleased to invite you to the Twenty-eight edition of the Conference on Food Microbiology, organized by the Belgian Society for Food Microbiology vzw/aslb (BSFM). This conference brings international speakers together with food microbiology laboratories, government...
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Fluid dynamics to serve planetary space missions

The increasing accessibility of space, fueled by the rise of commercial players, is unlocking new frontiers for technological innovation and scientific discovery. These advancements are providing unparalleled insights into the solar system and beyond, with planetary science emerging as a key...
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Statistics Seminar by Philippe Naveau

Philippe Naveau Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) Invited by Eugene PIRCALABELU will give a presentation on : Statistical modelling of records in a changing climate Abstract: The increase of  recent climate record frequencies raises many...
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