
Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Game design workshop

Are Game and Play the same thing or different things? If this question intrigues you – this will be the first thing that we will tackle in this unique serious game design workshop. Games are an increasingly important part of popular culture today but they have been part of human history for...
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IRES Lunch Seminar - Pablo Álvarez-Aragón, UNamur

Pablo Álvarez Aragon (UNamur)  will give a presentation on  TBA Abstract: 
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[MOBILLE 2024] international conference

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Negotiation game around Sustainable development

Join us for an exclusive negotiations workshop featuring our brand-new serious board-game Pactopolis: Where Victory Meets Sustainability The workshop will be facilitated by experts on gamification and negotiation.   About the workshop...
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Research Seminar: Gamification in Education:...

Games are increasingly being used to deliver educational content in a more engaging manner. However, educational games, as opposed to say entertainment games, have an added imperative to infuse learning content along with game and engagement content. This brings forth an interesting...
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