Core courses [75.0]
General training (43 credits)
METS students carry out their internship within the METS framework or substitute their internship with courses.Languages (32 credits)
Students choose two blocs from among the following options, according to languages studied :
German (translation from German into French) (16 credits)
For French-speaking students only
q1 15h+60h 5 credits
> Francis Auquier
> Francis Auquier (compensates Françoise Gallez)
> Françoise Gallez (coord.)
> Patricia Kerres
Francis Auquier
German (translation from French into German) (16 credits)
For German-speaking students only
English (translation from English into French) (16 credits)
For French-speaking students only
q1 15h+60h 7 credits
> Jean-Marc Lafontaine
> Thierry Lepage
> Caroline Vanderputten (coord.)
q1 15h+60h 5 credits
> Jean-Marc Lafontaine
> Marie-Aude Lefer (coord.)
> Thierry Lepage
English (translation from English into German) (16 credits)
For German-speaking students only
Dutch (16 credits)
Spanish (16 credits)
Italian (16 credits)
Russian (16 credits)
q1 15h+60h 7 credits
> Cécile Frogneux
> Christine Pasquier
> Marina Riapolova (coord.)
Turkish (16 credits)
Sign Language (16 credits)
List of focuses
Research Focus [30.0]
Specialised course in Translation (15 credits)
Research seminars in translatology (15 credits)
Student must choose 3 seminars from :
Teaching Focus [30.0]
IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with article 138 para. 4 of the decree of 7 November 2013 concerning higher education and the academic organisation of studies, teaching practice placements will not be assessed in the September session. Students are required to make every effort to successfully complete the teaching practice in the June session, subject to having to retake the year.
The teaching focus is concerned with preparation for teaching at the higher levels of secondary education. The programme is designed to develop the following skills:
- design, planning and assessment of practice;
- ability to assess practices and their context;
- understanding of the educational institution, its setting and players.
Three kinds of activities are involved:
- teaching practice at the higher levels of secondary education (60 hours);
- seminars;
- lectures.
They are divided into two categories:
- teaching practice, multidisciplinary courses and seminars, common to all subjects. They have the code LAGRE (13 credits);
- subject-based teaching practice, courses and seminars (17 credits).
The teaching focus of the 120 credit Master’s degree includes the training which leads to the qualification for teaching in secondary education (Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur – AESS) (300 hours - 30 credits), in accordance with the Decrees of 8 February 2001 and that of 17 December 2003 (concerning the basis of neutrality) relating to the initial training of teachers at the higher levels of secondary education in the French Community in Belgium.
These 30 credits also make up the AESS programme in Ancient and Modern Languages and Letters which can be taken after a 60 credit or a 120 credit Master’s degree.
In practical terms, successful completion of the Master’s degree with the teaching focus leads also to the award of professional status as a secondary education teacher. Assessment of the skills in the AESS programme is spread over the 2 blocks of the Master’s degree.
Students may if they wish combine this focus with an Erasmus or Mercator exchange which must take place either during the 2nd semester of the first block or the 1st semester of the second block. All courses for the teaching focus must, however, be taken at UCLouvain.
A) Internship in school environment (7 credits)
If the student is taking two Germanic languages
If the student is taking one Germanic and one Romance language
Stage d'observation et d'enseignement dans une langue romane
LLMOD9007 Observation and teaching internship in Italian
A partir de 2024-25, la didactique de l’italien ne sera plus enseignée. Les étudiant·es qui ont l'italien à leur programme choisissent LLMOD9008
q1+q2 25h 2 credits
B) Disciplinary courses and seminars (10 credits)
Student must choose 2 courses according to languages studied:
q1+q2 22.5h+35h 5 credits
> Philippe Denis
> Marielle Henriet
> Fanny Meunier
> Julie Van de Vyver (compensates Fanny Meunier)
LROM2946 Didactics of Italian
A partir de 2024-25, la didactique de l’italien ne sera plus enseignée. Les étudiant·es qui ont l'italien à leur programme choisissent LROM2940
q1 7.5h+15h 5 credits
C) Cross-disciplinary courses and seminars (13 credits)
To understand the adolescent in school situation, to manage the interpersonal relationship and to animate the class group
L'étudiant choisit une des deux activités suivantes. Le cours et le séminaire doivent être suivis durant le même quadrimestre.
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 credits
> Nathalie Roland
> Morgane Senden (compensates Baptiste Barbot)
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 credits
> Nathalie Roland
> Morgane Senden (compensates Baptiste Barbot)
The school institution and its context
L'étudiant choisit une des deux activités suivantes. Le cours et le séminaire doivent être suivis durant le même quadrimestre.
LAGRE2220 General didactics and education to interdisciplinarity
L'étudiant choisit soit LAGRE2220A (1+2q) soit l'AGRE2220S (2q).
q1+q2 37.5h 3 credits
> Stéphane Colognesi
> Severine De Croix
> Myriam De Kesel
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Anne Ghysselinckx
> Véronique Lemaire
> Benoît Vercruysse
Stéphane Colognesi
q2 20h 2 credits
> Xavier Delgrange
> Hervé Pourtois (coord.)
> Pierre-Etienne Vandamme
Professional Focus : terminology & localisation [30.0]
Professional Focus : translation & Audiovisual media [30.0]
Workshop in Audiovisual Adaptation
From 10 to 15credit(s)FR
q1 0h+15h 10 credits
Seminars in Audiovisual Adaptation
From 5 to 10credit(s) -
Professional Focus : International & European Affairs [30.0]
One course chosen from : (5 credits)
Specialised Translation Workshops in International Affairs (10 credits)
Student must choose 2 specialised Translation Workshops in International Affairs according to languages studied
Specialised Translation Seminars in International Affairs (10 credits)
Student must choose 2 specialised Translation Seminars in International Affairs according to languages studied
Professional Focus : Arts & Letters [30.0]
One course to choose from (5 credits)
Workshop in Literary Translation (10 credits)
Student must choose 2 workshop in Literary Translation according to languages studied
Literary and Marketing Translation (10 credits)
Student must choose 2 courses according to languages studied
Option in Digital Culture and Ethics [15.0]
The digital has transformed our lives and culture to the extent to which everything takes place nowadays in “digital space,” as our own space, time, and existence are all deeply digitalized. In the “culture of connectivity,” the digital is ubiquitous, we are, one way or another, always online, while technology is no longer just ‘at hand’, but already intimately infiltrating and fusing with our thoughts, our sensations, and even our bodies.
The Digital Culture and Ethics Option offers courses focusing on such profound changes brought about by the digital in all walks of life and academic disciplines alike. It invites the students to reflect critically and creatively on the resulting large-scale evolutions and equips them with the right skills and tools for approaching their subject matters from cutting-edge and presently much needed, genuinely effective and encompassing perspectives.
The topics and practical applications taught in this option also open up the scope of our specialized fields to wider cross-disciplinary viewpoints, thus making us ready to be professionally versatile and successful in a deeply transformed digital world.
One course from the list below : (5 credits)
LHIST2600 Digital Practices in History Professions
Ce cours est accessible uniquement à l'étudiant en
master en histoire ou ayant suivi la mineure en histoire.
q2 15h 5 credits
> English-friendly
> Lionel Scheepmans (compensates Olivier Servais)
q1 30h 5 credits
> Thibault Philippette
> Camille Tilleul (compensates Thibault Philippette)
q2 30h 5 credits
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Patricia Nouveau (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Alain Strowel (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Optional courses [15.0]
Traductologie et recherche linguistique
q1 15h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Ludivine Crible (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
> Elisabeth Degand
q2 15h 5 credits
Reserved for students on the teaching focus
Audiovisual field
European Affairs
Marketing & Publicity
q1 30h 5 credits
Intercultural & Inter-linguistic Mediation
q1 30h 5 credits
Other courses
To be chosen from the Faculty or University programmes, with the agreement of the secretary of the examining board. Students must check with the lecturer in charge that they may follow the course(s) in question. If certain courses are available in the research focus, in the core subjects or in another option course, the credits may not exceed 6 with each of these headings. No courses may be taken from the teaching focus and/or the professional focus.
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
q2 30h 5 credits
q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Marc Lafontaine
> Thierry Lepage
> Erwin Ochsenmeier (compensates Jean-Marc Lafontaine)
> Caroline Vanderputten
Jean-Marc Lafontaine
q2 45h 5 credits
q2 45h 5 credits