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Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Kamila Moulaï granted with the Marie Curie Individual...

Kamila Moulaï, LSM PhD and former teaching assistant, has been awarded the highly selective Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, Europe's most prestigious postdoctoral bursary! Marie Curie Individual Fellowship is awarded to the most excellent researchers worldwide. Kamila will conduct high-level...
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Julie Solbreux, LouRIM, danced her PhD

Julie Solbreux is a PhD candidate at the University of Namur and associated researcher at Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations (LouRIM), UCLouvain, in the field of entrepreneurship education. She works with Prof. Julie Hermans from LouRIM on the design of the course of...
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Humans of CEMS / Paul Ruwet

Humans of CEMS series' latest portrait is about one of our CEMS Alumni, Paul Ruwet, "a co-founder of SpeedUpEducation and one of the organizers of the first CEMS Hackathon. In the interview Paul uncovers the history behind the event and the main challenges that it aims to solve. ...
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Une chaire UCLouvain-Entreprendre.wapi en comportement...

"L’Сư³æ´«Ã½ (UCLouvain) et l’Agence de Stimulation économique de Wallonie picarde, Entreprendre.wapi, se sont associées pour créer, avec le soutien du Fond Lemay, une chaire universitaire en comportement du consommateur dans le domaine agro-alimentaire. Les activités de...
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Top managers meet top students

Dans le cadre du "Seminar on current management issues" des Professeurs Alain Vas et Olivier de Wasseige, nos étudiant·es ont, cette année encore, eu la chance de rencontrer les Top Managers issu·es de Wallonie et de Bruxelles. Pour chaque rencontre, un groupe d'étudiant·es avait, au...
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